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Hi! I'm

Italian Computer Science Student at University of Pisa


Hi, my name is Michele Filadelfia, I'm a

years old Italian computer science student, My journey began when I enrolled in a technical high school focused on information technology. There, I gained foundational knowledge in Arduino, HTML, CSS, basic Java, networking concepts, and other technologies.

As my studies progressed I realized that the school was not giving me enough knowledge in computer science and programming, so I decided to learn the C programming language and then i started learning about Algorithm and Data Structures because of my partecipation on Italian Computer Science Olympiad, and I started learning about the C++ programming language and I am still studying it.
In addition to the Olympiad, I solved numerous online competitive programming problems in platforms like LeetCode.
These experiences have allowed me to tackle diverse programming challenges and develop my mathematical and logical reasoning abilities.

Then in 2022 I written my first project in the Go programming language, a terminal fractals explorer, just for fun, and because I love fractals.

Also, I partecipated to the Italian Cybersecurity Olympiad where I learned python and practised on many cybersecurity topics like:
- Cryptography (Algebra (Modular arithmetic, Primes, etc...), Simmetric Cryptography (AES (ECB, CBC)), Public-key (RSA, Diffie-Hellman))
- Web Security (SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF, Path traversal, Race condition, etc...)
- Software Security (Tools (GDB, Ghidra), Assembly, C vulnerabilities (stack overflow, ret2win, rettolibc, shellcode injection, bad seed, Return Oriented Programming, Stack pivoting, Basic heap vulnerabilities))

I am writing my own programming language called Filang (under development) and I am learning about compilers and interpreters.

I also started a Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of Pisa.


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filang is a high-level, general-purpose bytecode interpreted programming language.

Click here for the github repository.


fractals-cli is an open-source multiplatform, elegant and clean terminal fractals explorer written in pure golang with concurrency to make the computing of the fractal more efficient.

Click here for the github repository.


Computer-Science-Books is a constantly updated open-source list containing the best books for learning computer science.

Click here for the github repository.