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Hi! I'm

Italian Computer Science Student at University of Pisa and Qualcomm intern


Hi, my name is Michele Filadelfia, I'm a years old computer science enthusiast with a strong interest in theoretical computer science, mathematics, and programming.

I love exploring algorithms and data structures, diving into low-level programming (yes, I do consider C an art form).

I'm currently doing an internship at Qualcomm, gaining hands-on experience and expanding my skills.

In my free time, I work on open-source projects and write articles about topics that fascinate me. If you're interested in collaborating on a project, feel free to reach out!


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fractals-cli is an open-source multiplatform, elegant and clean terminal fractals explorer written in pure golang with concurrency to make the computing of the fractal more efficient.

Click here for the github repository.


Programming language developed during my spare time for educational purposes.

Click here for the github repository.


Computer-Science-Books is a constantly updated open-source list containing the best books for learning computer science.

Click here for the github repository.


Euler Theorem Induction proof

A simple, elegant and concise proof of Euler's theorem using strong induction.

Click here to download the article.